Step 1: Items Needed before Registering
  1. Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
  2. OGS Customer ID (Non-State Entity)
  3. SFS Department ID (State Agencies)

Step 2: Register your Entity

1. Go to the Registration Form and fill out all the required information.

Please Note: The FEIN field will need to be entered in a specific format:  

You must enter your FEIN followed by your OGS Customer/SFS Department ID# with a hyphen in between the two (2) numbers with no space (See below for examples for each entity):

  1. Non-State Agencies:
     FEIN-OGS Customer ID (e.g. 123456789-1234)
  2. State Agencies:
    FEIN-SFS Department ID (e.g. 123456789-1234)

2. The system will ask about your company & contact information to create an account. You can choose your own Username & Password here which you will use later in the process to log-in.

Step 3: Activate your Account

Once registered you will receive a system generated email asking you to activate your account. Click on the link provided in the email to activate your account.  

Step 4: Edit your Job Title

1. Go to your Profile Page by clicking on My Profile tab on the right-hand side of your screen.

2. Click on the Edit button on the right-hand side of the screen.

Note: First two steps are highlighted in the screenshot below

3. Under the heading Job Title type in your job title (e.g. Account Clerk, Head Purchaser, Chief, etc.).

4. Then scroll down and click on the blue Save button at the bottom right-hand side of the screen.

Step 5: Wait for approval of The OGS Vehicle Marketplace Team

The OGS Vehicle Marketplace team will review your registration. Once accepted into the Vehicle Marketplace as a User, the OGS Vehicle Marketplace Team will send you an email letting you know that you have been accepted as an Authorized User. Once an Authorized User you will be able to start filling out and sending in Vehicle Request forms.

After this, you can continue to the next step, How to Request a Vehicle. Click here to read more.