With this update we implement some improvements in the Question & Answer module as well as inviting colleagues.

The update took place on February 27th. 

Overview of new changes:

  • Question and AnswerSet a Q&A deadline, with the ability to export questions & answers
  • Solicitation Overview: New tasks available for answering and publishing questions asked
  • Team: You can now easily invite colleagues without an account directly into a solicitation or user group

Question & Answer: Set a deadline, notifications, exports, and tasks.

Q&A is an essential feature where suppliers can ask clarifying questions to the buyer. You can now set a deadline, so it is clear to the supplier when they can ask questions until. If a question is asked after the deadline, it will be marked as 'too late'



A new date type is now available in the schedule. 

This is where you enter the deadline for asking questions.


A deadline ensures that suppliers receive a reminder 24 hours before the deadline. The supplier receives the notification by e-mail as well as in the software.


The content available in the Question & Answer module can now be exported (as a PDF file). Both buyers and suppliers can download an export for every tab in the Q&A. This includes shared documents.

New tasks for suppliers and buyers

Once suppliers have asked questions, a new task is shown for buyers to answer these questions. Additionally, suppliers will see a new task directing them to ask and send in their questions on time.

Easier to invite new colleagues to Negometrix4 

Inviting colleagues and team members to Negometrix4 has been made easier. Previously you had to wait until someone activated their profile. Now you are able to link their profile to a solicitation or user group in the organization once you invite them.