There are three filter options: search, filter by and filter via the category structure.


  1. Navigate to your contract overview dashboard.
  2. Locate the search bar on the top right of the screen.
  3. Type in a keyword to find a contract.
  4. To run multiple searches to further narrow down your search, hit enter after the first keyword. Then, search for the additional item.


  1. Navigate to your contract overview dashboard.
  2. Click the Create filter button, underneath the create contract button.
  3. Fill out and/or select the information you would like to filter the contracts by.
  4. If you want to save this custom filter for future use, click Save filter.
    1. The filter will show up on the left side of your dashboard with the default name Filter. Click the gear icon to rename your filter.
  5. Otherwise, click Apply filter.

To delete filters, click on the 'x' next to the filter name or click Clear all filters.